I am Reverend Roger Leveston, and my grandfather was the first one in the family to move to Tamina. He even has a street named after him.
“All are welcome around the dinner table, regardless of who they are. It’s part of what gives us a sense of community.”
– Reverend Roger Leveston
I was born and raised in this town. Though I now reside in Spring, Tamina is still my home and always will be my home.
I’m an assistant pastor at Falvey Memorial Baptist Church, where Reverend Ginns has been the pastor for more than thirty-six years. Faith plays a very large role in this community.
When I was a kid, I noticed that when somebody was drinking beer, they threw it away when they got close to a church. If they were smoking a cigarette, they put it out. Churches were holy ground. Churches continue to be important here. I have to laugh and say that Tamina has almost too many churches. We have two Baptist churches, one Church of God in Christ, one Church of Christ, and we have one Full Gospel Church. That’s five churches, and they all make up a family, you know?
I can remember the people who used to come to my mom’s house around dinner time. I remember two young guys who came by, and they said, “We’re such and such grandchildren, and we’re hungry.” She didn’t hesitate. She invited them in and fed them, and that’s one thing I always remember about here — the strong sense of community.